Terms and Conditions for the MEI CPD course on Underground Mathematics and the follow-up Teacher Conference day

MEI is running a series of free CPD courses entitled Underground Mathematics: Resources to address the requirements of the new A level. For details see here. There is also a follow-up one-day conference run by Underground Mathematics. Before you decide to register for either, please take time to read the following information carefully and discuss it with others if you wish. The Underground Mathematics team (info@undergroundmathematics.org) can be contacted if there is anything that is not clear or if you would like more information. Take time to decide whether or not you wish to take part. The following terms and conditions apply to both the MEI one-day course and the Teacher Conference day.

Course aims

The one-day MEI course focuses on using the Underground Mathematics resources to support the overarching themes in the new mathematics A level: proof, problem solving and modelling.

The follow-up Teacher Conference day aims to help you to get more out of Underground Mathematics as you prepare to teach the new A Level courses, including the following.

  • Share your experience of using Underground Mathematics in the classroom
  • Discuss ways to develop your students as mathematical thinkers
  • Explore the website and new resources with the Underground Mathematics team


This course is designed to support all teachers of A level Mathematics. In order to be able to engage in all aspects of the course, participants will need to be confident with the content of AS Core Mathematics. To maximise impact and aid dissemination we encourage schools to send two teachers on this course.

Course benefits

For the teacher

  • Familiarity with the philosophy of the Underground Mathematics project
  • Opportunity to discuss effective classroom use of the resources
  • Advance planning for the three overarching themes of the new A level

For the student

  • Tasks that make A level Mathematics a rich, coherent and stimulating experience
  • An appreciation of the connected nature of mathematics
  • Developing the skills to tackle unfamiliar problems with confidence

For the school/college

  • More engaging and relevant mathematics lessons
  • Resources that meet the requirements of the new mathematics A level
  • Bespoke departmental meeting activities for delegates to share the resources with colleagues

Course structure

The MEI course is a is a one-day CPD course. The course is available at various times and locations. You are encouraged to attend the Teacher Conference day run by Underground Mathematics after attending the MEI day.

Data Protection and Privacy

References to “we”, “us”, “our” or similar refer to the Underground Mathematics team at the University of Cambridge. References to “you” refer to the registrant for the Underground Mathematics: Resources to address the requirements of the new A level course or the Underground Mathematics Teacher Conference day.

We are committed to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of information provided by those enrolling in the course and we uphold the relevant data protection principles and process all personal data in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 ('the Act'). Information about you which is gathered in the course of Underground Mathematics is protected by the Act and is subject to the University of Cambridge’s Data Protection Policy For the purpose of the Act, the data controller is the University of Cambridge. You have the right to request access under the Act to the information which the University of Cambridge holds about you. Further information about your rights under the Act and how the University handles personal data is available on the Data Protection pages of the University website (http://www.admin.cam.ac.uk/univ/information/dpa/) and by contacting the Information Compliance Office at the following address: Information Compliance Office, Registrary's Office, University of Cambridge, The Old Schools, Trinity Lane, Cambridge CB2 1TN (Telephone: 01223 764142); Data Protection Officer: data.protection@admin.cam.ac.uk; Freedom of Information Officer: foi@admin.cam.ac.uk.

1) Teacher registration to access Underground Mathematics online resources and receive mailings from Underground Mathematics

MEI is processing your personal information for the Underground Mathematics: Resources to address the requirements of the new A level course for us and they are ensuring the safety of your information while at MEI.

1. Collection of personal information

Registering for the course involves sharing your personal and contact information with the Underground Mathematics team (housed at the University of Cambridge). This involves the completion of an online form which requests personal data such as your name, email address, personal telephone number, your school/college name and address, number of years teaching A level Mathematics, A Level Mathematics or equivalent examination specification. We are also asking that you obtain the consent of the person at your school/college that will have authorised your attendance at the course for you to provide us with their name and work email address for our administrative purposes.

2. Processing of data

Your personal data is collected to process your request to register for the Underground Mathematics MEI CPD course, and to keep records of those who use the Underground Mathematics resources so that we can contact you in the event of Underground Mathematics follow-up research (described below) and provide you with relevant information related to Underground Mathematics.

Copyright Statement

By completing the registration form for the Underground Mathematics: Resources to address the requirements of the new A level course or the Underground Mathematics Teacher Conference day, you will be confirming that you have read these Terms and Conditions and consent to your information being used in the manner and for the purposes described herein, and waive your copyright and other intellectual property rights in any evaluation of Underground Mathematics resources you choose to submit. You understand that you may withdraw your consent to evaluate Underground Mathematics resources, and if you so choose, you may do so by contacting the Underground Mathematics Evaluation Team at evaluation@undergroundmathematics.org or by telephone at 01223 338091.

2) Teacher evaluations of Underground Mathematics resources

The personal data collected and processed will accompany any evaluation you submit of the Underground Mathematics: Resources to address the requirements of the new A level course or the Underground Mathematics Teacher Conference day.

Integral to Underground Mathematics is an internal evaluation process. The internal evaluation gathers data (such as evaluation of resources, classroom observations, interviews, surveys, etc.) to assess the progress of the Project, the experience of users (teachers and students) who engage with Underground Mathematics, and the impact of Underground Mathematics use on users.

Findings from the internal evaluation are reported in several ways:

  • internally to the Underground Mathematics team as part of a formative feedback process to improve project processes and outcomes,
  • externally in summative reporting to the DfE,
  • externally to the sector e.g. in publicly available academic journals and briefing notes to schools
  • at mathematics and education conferences in the UK and beyond.

You have the right to opt-out of this use of your personal data and submitted evaluation in one of two ways:

  1. You may elect not to submit any evaluations of the Underground Mathematics MEI CPD course; and/or
  2. You may send an email to Underground Mathematics at evaluation@undergroundmathematics.org, or by telephone at 01223 338091, and in the email or by phone say that you do not wish to take part in any evaluation of Underground Mathematics resources. Please understand that if you opt-out of providing any evaluation of Underground Mathematics resources during the course or afterword, we may still contact you in connection with your enrolment in the course, any correspondence or communications you may have with us, and news of future Underground Mathematics research.

We will never sell your personal information, nor will we use it for commercial purposes. We may disclose and share personal information with the third parties listed here:

  1. with our service providers (including, for example, suppliers who develop or host Underground Mathematics sites, external evaluation companies contracted by us to evaluate Underground Mathematics);
  2. if required or permitted by law;
  3. with other third parties with your consent.

The results of your participation in any Underground Mathematics evaluation or research will be anonymized before it is ever shared with any other third party. Your responses will never be identified by name and we will aim to ensure that those reading any Underground Mathematics report will not be able to identify any respondent.

Your personal information will be stored on University of Cambridge secure servers and will be stored for the duration of the Underground Mathematics and any extensions to the Project.

3) Invitation to take part in further research

Further research beyond the Underground Mathematics MEI CPD course or Teacher Conference day

The Underground Mathematics Evaluation Team would like to engage with Underground Mathematics MEI CPD course or Teacher Conference day participants after the course to learn more about how Underground Mathematics is used in their classrooms. To support this, your participation in the Underground Mathematics MEI CPD course or Teacher Conference day could lead to potential involvement in research carried out by Underground Mathematics. Throughout the academic year, you will be encouraged to fill out surveys, solicit survey responses from your students, and invited for telephone or in-person interviews. In addition, you may be approached by the Underground Mathematics team to participate in further research activities. Your participation in these further Underground Mathematics research activities is voluntary, and you may opt out at any time.

You may be requested to participate in the following activities:

  • complete surveys and/or solicit survey responses from your students – questions will include teachers and students experiences of using Underground Mathematics; perceptions of the impact of Underground Mathematics on students’ learning; ways in which the resource works well; ways in which the resource can be improved; the influence (if any) of the resource on student attitudes to and confidence in mathematics; the influence of the resource on teacher learning, pedagogy and confidence in the teaching of mathematics.
  • engage in telephone or in-person interviews – questions will address similar areas to those outlined above with opportunity for more in-depth discussion. Interviews will last no more than 30 minutes and separate consent will be sought in advance.

In addition, you may be approached by the Underground Mathematics team to become involved as an Underground Mathematics case study school (described below). Your involvement in these activities is voluntary and you may opt out of the research at any time without loss or penalty now or in the future.

We hope you will be happy to take part. However, if you chose not to participate, please let us know by emailing us at evaluation@undergroundmathematics.org (telephone: 01223 338091) and your wishes will be respected and you will not be approached by the research team.

Risks and Benefits of participating in Underground Mathematics internal evaluation activities

The Underground Mathematics Evaluation Team has identified no risks associated with participating in Underground Mathematics research activities, for example, end of CPD training surveys (developed in collaboration with the MEI), follow up surveys, telephone interviews and case studies.

There are no immediate benefits to individuals from participating in Underground Mathematics research activities as outlined above, but your participation will help to inform the Underground Mathematics team on possible improvements to the Underground Mathematics program. The results of the research will also inform policy recommendations made to the DfE. Finally, your participation will contribute to learning in the mathematics education sector.

Research will be carried out with regard for mutually convenient times and negotiated in a way that seeks to minimise disruption to schedules and burdens on participants. Your participation will help the Underground Mathematics developers to better understand what the use of Underground Mathematics in classrooms means to you and your students, and the results will help inform the DfE on the efficacy of the programme. Findings from the research will help to inform Underground Mathematics publications, conference presentations, or public reports Please note that all data will be anonymized before reporting outside of the Evaluation Team.

For any questions about the research activities or procedures, you are invited to contact the Underground Mathematics Team at info@undergroundmathematics.org or by telephone at 01223 338091.

Underground Mathematics (UM) contact details


Sharon Walker (Interim Evaluation lead)
Underground Mathematics
Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Wilberforce Road

Tatiana Rostovtseva
Underground Mathematics
Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Wilberforce Road

Email: evaluation@undergroundmathematics.org

Telephone: 01223 338091