
The function \(f\) has domain \(\{x: -3< x <3, x \text{ is real}\}\) and is defined by \[\begin{align*} f:x\to -5-x, \qquad &(-3< x \le -1) \\ f: x\to 2x^3, \qquad&(-1< x \le 1) \\ f:x\to 5-x, \qquad &(1< x <3). \end{align*}\]

State the range of the function and sketch the graph of \(y=f(x)\).

We know that the graph \(y=-5-x\) is a straight line on the given interval, running from (-3, -2) down to \((-1,-4)\). Note that \((-1,-4)\) is included in the graph, but \((-3,-2)\) is not.

Similarly, we know that the graph \(y=5-x\) is a straight line on the given interval, running from \((1,4)\) down to \((3,2)\). Note that neither \((1,4)\) nor \((3,2)\) is included in the graph.

We should know the graph of \(y = x^3\), and \(y = 2x^3\) is a stretch of this by a scale factor of \(2\) in the \(y\)-direction. Its starting point on the given interval is \((-1,-2)\), and its endpoint is \((1,2)\). Note that \((1,2)\) is included in the graph, but \((-1,-2)\) is not.

The graph of \(y=f(x)\) is

The graph of y. It is in three pieces, the first linearly decreasing, the second a cubic, and the third linearly decreasing again. The graph touches each y value between minus 4 and 4 exactly once.
A sketch of \(y=f(x)\)

The solid endpoints are included in the graph, while the empty endpoints are not. Therefore the range of \(f\) is \(\{y:-4\le y<4, y\ne -2\}\).

Define the inverse relation in similar form and determine whether this inverse relation is a function.

We have that \(g\) is given by \[\begin{align*} g:x\to -5-x, \qquad &(-4\le x<-2) \\ g:x\to (x/2)^{1/3}, \qquad &(-2< x \le2) \\ g:x\to 5-x. \qquad &(2< x <4) \end{align*}\]

Then \(g\) IS a function because, as we can see from our sketch, the function \(f\) is \(1-1\). The evidence for this is that no horizontal line cuts our graph of \(y = f(x)\) in two places.

We say the original function \(f\) is injective; no point is mapped to two different points by \(g\), the inverse.