
Using a scale of \(\quantity{2}{cm}\) to one unit on each axis, draw the graph of \[y=6x-x^2\] for values of \(x\) from \(0\) to \(6\) inclusive.

Let’s first draw our axes, allowing \(\quantity{2}{cm}\) per unit. We will plot the values of \(y\) for \(x=0\), \(1\), \(2\), \(3\), \(4\), \(5\), \(6\).

A graph with the points (0,0), (1,5), (2,8), (3,9), (4,8), (5,5), (6,0) marked.

Now let’s join up the points as smoothly as we can.

A graph with the same points marked, with a smooth curve passing through them all.

Use your graph to solve the equation \[6x-x^2=7.\]

We’ll add the line \(y=7\) to our plot and see where it intersects the curve.

The same curve drawn, with the horizontal line y = 7 drawn, and vertical lines drawn down to the x axis from the two points where the line and the curve cross.

We read off the approximate solutions. From our plot, we see that \(x\approx 1.6\) and \(x \approx4.4\) solve \(6x-x^2=7\).

Using the quadratic formula to solve this equation gives \(x\approx 1.586\) and \(x \approx4.414\).

By adding a suitable straight line to your graph, solve the equation \[6x-x^2=8-\tfrac{1}{2}x.\]

Let’s now add the line \(y=8-\frac12 x\) to our sketch, making sure to plot at least \(3\) points so that we draw it accurately.

Graph with the original curve, with points of y = 8 - x over 2 marked and the line drawn through them. Again vertical lines are drawn down to the x axis from the two points where the line and the curve cross.

We can see from our plot that the smaller solution of \(6x-x^2=8-\frac12x\) is slightly larger than the smaller solution of \(6x-x^2=7\), and the larger solution is larger than the larger solution of \(6x-x^2=7\).

Our graph tells us (your grid will help you) that the solutions of \(6x-x^2=8-\frac12x\) are \(x\approx 1.6\) and \(x\approx 4.9\).

Using the quadratic formula to solve this equation gives \(x\approx 1.649\) and \(x \approx4.851\).