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Thinking about Functions

Review question

When is one of these functions greater than the other?

Ref: R6008

Functions f and g are defined by f:xx(x1),g:x(x1)(3x5),

where xR in each case.

  1. Find the solution set, S, of the inequality f(x)g(x).
We want to find x so that x(x1)(x1)(3x5)x2x3x28x+52x27x+50(2x5)(x1)0.

By considering the graph of y=(2x5)(x1), we see that the solution is 1x52.

Graph of the vertex-down parabola
  1. Sketch the graph of y=f(x)g(x) for xS, and state the greatest and least values of f(x)g(x) for xS.

Using our working from above, f(x)g(x)=(2x5)(x1), so the graph of y=f(x)g(x) looks like this:

Graph of f of x minus g of x, a vertex up parabola cutting the x axis at 1 and five over two
The graph of y=f(x)g(x)

Since S is the set of x such that f(x)g(x)0, the minimum value of f(x)g(x) on S must be zero, when x=1 or 52.

To find the maximum, we can complete the square: 2x2+7x5=2(x74)2+4985=2(x74)2+98.

Since 2(x74)20, we have 2x2+7x598, so the maximum value of f(x)g(x) on S is 98, and this is attained at x=74. So we can sketch f(x)g(x) on S.

Alternatively we can say that y=f(x)g(x) has its maximum when x=1+522, or 74.

Now y=98 when x=74.

Graph of f of x minus g of x, a vertex-up parabola with maximum at (7/4,9/8)
The graph of y=f(x)g(x) on S