Things you might have noticed

Look at the functions in the table below.

Is there a property or feature that is shared by two functions in a row but not the third? If so, we can say that the third function is the odd one out.

Find a reason why each function in the table could be the odd one out in its row.

\(y=\sin x^2\) \(y=\ln{x^2}\) \(y=\tan x (\sec^2 x-1)\)
\(y=9x^2-6x+1\) \(y=\ln{3x}\) \(y=\sqrt{3x-1}\)
\(y=e^{5x}\) \(y=\dfrac{1}{x^2+4x+4}\) \(y=e^{x+4}\)

Here are some reasons why each function is the odd one out. Can you think of others?

graph of sin of x squared

\(y=\sin x^2\)

\(\dfrac{dy}{dx}=2x\cos x^2\)

graph of log of x squared



graph of tan x times (sec squared x minus 1)

\(y=\tan x (\sec^2 x-1)\)

\(\dfrac{dy}{dx}=3\tan^2 x \sec^2 x\)

If I think about the functions that \(y\) is composed from, I notice that I can use \(u=x^2\) for both \(\sin x^2\) and \(\ln{x^2}\), but not for \(\tan x (\sec^2 x-1).\) For this reason, \(\tan x (\sec^2 x-1)\) is the odd one out. Alternatively, I could say it is the odd one out because \(\sin x^2\) and \(\ln{x^2}\) are both even functions, but \(\tan x (\sec^2 x-1)\) is odd. I could also say that the derivatives of \(\sin x^2\) and \(\ln{x^2}\) can be negative, whereas the derivative of \(\tan x (\sec^2 x-1)\) is never negative.

Continuing to think about the derivatives, I notice that the derivatives of \(\sin x^2\) and \(\tan x (\sec^2 x-1)\) are both zero when \(x=0\), so the graphs of these functions both have stationary points when \(x=0\), whereas the graph of \(\ln{x^2}\) does not. Alternatively, the graphs of \(\sin x^2\) and \(\tan x (\sec^2 x-1)\) have points if inflection while \(\ln{x^2}\) does not.

Finally, I notice that the graphs of \(\ln{x^2}\) and \(\tan^3 x\) have asymptotes, whereas \(\sin x^2\) does not, making \(\sin x^2\) the odd one out. I can also see that the range of \(\sin x^2\) is \([-1,1]\) whereas the range of the other two functions is \(\mathbb{R}.\)
graph of a u shaped parabola with vertex at x equals one third



graph of log of 3x



Graph of the square root of 3x minus 1. This meets the x-axis at x equals one third.



From the graphs of the functions or by solving \(y=0\), I see that all three graphs meet the \(x\)-axis at \(\tfrac{1}{3}\), but their behaviour at this point is very different. The derivatives of \(\ln{3x}\) and \(9x^2-6x+1\) are both defined when \(x=\tfrac{1}{3}\), but the derivative of \(\sqrt{3x-1}\) is not, making this the odd one out.

As \(9x^2-6x+1=(3x-1)^2\), I can compose both this function and \(\sqrt{3x-1}\) from \(u=3x-1,\) which makes \(\ln{3x}\) the odd one out. The graphs of all three functions involve rescaling a standard function by a factor of \(\tfrac{1}{3}\) parallel to the \(x\)-axis, but \(\ln{3x}=\ln{x}+\ln 3\), so this is the only one which can also be thought of as a translation parallel to the \(y\)-axis.

How do the different transformations affect the derivatives of each function?

Thinking about gradients and graphs also gives me a reason why \(9x^2-6x+1\) is the odd one out: the other two functions have gradients that are always positive but decrease as \(x\) increases, whereas \(9x^2-6x+1\) has a negative gradient for \(x<\tfrac{1}{3}\) and its gradient increases for \(x>\tfrac{1}{3}.\)
Graph of the exponential function e to the power of 5 x.



graph of 1 over x plus 2 all squared



Graph of the exponential function e to the power of (x plus 4)



Looking at the gradient functions and graphs, I notice that the gradients of \(y=e^{5x}\) and \(y=e^{x+4}\) are always positive, whereas \(y=\dfrac{1}{x^2+4x+4}\) has negative gradient for \(x>-2.\) If instead I think about composition of functions, I can write \(e^{5x}=(e^x)^{5}\) and \(e^{x+4}=e^4\times e^x\), so these are both compositions of \(e^x\) with another function, making \(\dfrac{1}{x^2+4x+4}\) the odd one out again.

I notice that \(e^{x+4}\) is the only function in the row (and the whole table) whose derivative is equal to itself. Thinking again about composition of functions, if I view \(\dfrac{1}{x^2+4x+4}\) as \((x+2)^{-2}\) then this and \(e^{5x}\) are both powers of a function, whereas \(e^{x+4}\) is not.

Which functions could you have identified as an odd one out from the formula? When did the graph help? How much extra information did finding \(\dfrac{dy}{dx}\) give you?

What features or properties does \(y\) inherit from the functions it’s composed from?

Can you also find an odd one out within each column?

Some of the ideas above can also explain why a function is the odd one out in its column, but there are other reasons too.

graph of sin of x squared

\(y=\sin x^2\)

\(\dfrac{dy}{dx}=2x\cos x^2\)

graph of a u shaped parabola with vertex at x equals one third



Graph of the exponential function e to the power of 5 x



graph of log of x squared



graph of log of 3x



graph of 1 over x plus 2 all squared



graph of tan x times (sec squared x minus 1)

\(y=\tan x (\sec^2 x-1)\)

\(\dfrac{dy}{dx}=3\tan^2 x \sec^2 x\)

Graph of the square root of 3x minus 1. This meets the x-axis at x equals one third.



Graph of the exponential function e to the power of (x plus 4)

