
A square has each side of length \(6x\) units. A circle is drawn with its centre at the centre of the square to intercept a length of \(2x\) units on each side of the square. Prove that the ratio of the area of the circle to the area of the square is \(5\pi:18\).

The square and circle look like this:

Circle with centre the same as that of the square, so that its diameter is slightly larger than the side of the square, so that a segment in the middle of each side of the square is enclosed within the circle.
The square and the circle

We know that the area of the square is \(6x\times 6x=36x^2\). To find the radius, \(r\), of the circle we use the following triangle:

The diagram with a right-angled triangle marked out from the centre of the circle, the midpoint of the top side of the square and one of the intersections with the circle with the top side of the square.
A right-angled triangle

The hypotenuse of the triangle is \(r\), one side has length \(x\) and the other has length \(3x\). Therefore, \[ r^2=x^2+(3x)^2=10x^2. \] So the area of the circle is \(\pi r^2=10x^2\pi\).

So the ratio of the area of the circle to the area of the square is \(10x^2\pi:36x^2\), which is equivalent to \(5\pi:18\), as required.

You might have noticed that the \(x\) doesn’t appear in our answer. Why is this? Could we have solved this without using \(x\)?