
Sketch of a roof

In the diagram, which represents the roof of a house, \(ABCD\) is a horizontal rectangle and \(XY\) a line parallel to \(AB\) and \(DC\). \(AB=40'\), \(BC=XY=16'\) and \(AX=BY=CY=DX=17'\). Calculate \((i)\) the height of \(XY\) above the plane \(ABCD\), …

Could we start by drawing a line perpendicular to \(ABCD\) through either \(X\) (or \(Y\))?

How could we calculate its length? Maybe we could construct a triangle containing this side?

\((ii)\) the angle of inclination to the horizontal of the face \(AXYB\), and \((iii)\) the angle of inclination to the horizontal of the edge \(AX\).

Can we find more right-angled triangles which include one of these angles?